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Introduction to India’s Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act,2023


In my last column, I had briefly explained the importance of personal data, privacy, leakage and penalties. In today’s article, I am going to tell you about the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (“DPDP Act”) of India, which came into force on August 11, 2023. It is a comprehensive privacy and data protection law and all other related laws, rules and regulations have to follow the provisions of this Act. This law completes a seven-year journey that began in 2017 when the Supreme Court of India ruled in the Aadhaar case that the right to privacy is protected under the Constitution of India.
This is the digital age, which means with the rise of social media and various applications, our personal details are scattered everywhere in the digital world. Many people do not realize that the ‘Allow’ option that is asked initially when downloading apps is the biggest thief of our information. That is, when you download an app from a company on your mobile, it also asks for permission to access other sections like camera, gallery, contact, GPS. If you allow this, all your personal information is uploaded by those companies to their servers. We do not even realize that those companies sell this information for money in elections, business or any other situations. The central government has enacted the DPDP Act to expose this misuse, suffering and confusion.

Highlights of the DPDP Act :-

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