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Beware of cybercrimes using IoT or Smart devices


Mr. Sharma, an IT professional had a smart home with smart door locks and various other smart systems. They had been on a 10 day foreign tour and on return they found that their house was burgled and one investigation by police they came to know that their smart devices including locks and wifi was hacked and cyber criminals were listening to their voice and used their vacation time to loot the house.

In another incident, Miss. Lalitha received a smart shampoo dispenser as a lucky dip gift in mail. She excitedly kept it in her bathroom and in couple of days she received a nude video of her on WhatsApp with a extortion message, stating if she does not transfer 50000 to the specified account, her nude video shall be made viral.

In another incident, the CCTV cameras were hacked and was used to stalk and monitor people movements and that data was later used to commit various crimes.

Above incidents are some of the examples of cybercrimes done using smart or Internet of Things(IoT) devices. Smart or IoT devices are becoming very popular as they are getting cheaper, easily available and provide us flexibility, comfort, excitement and improves our efficiency. As per a survey, cybercrimes using IoT devices are increasing exponentially and was 300% more in 2023 than 2022, as more and more devices we use become IoT enabled or smart this crime rate will only increase. Here cybercriminals use peoples negligence, lack of technical knowhow, laziness to change password and ignorance to loot people. Strange fact is here cybercriminals loot people without letting them know that their smart devices are only helping them execute the crime.

Precautions to take to prevent IoT cybercrimes :-

If you are a victim of such fraud :-

Immediately call 1930 cyber helpline or file a complaint at website or nearby police station. Change your wifi password and disable or replace the hacked device till you can clear the malware infection. Report the issue with the manufacturer of the hacked device if possible and you can take legal action against them if it was due to manufacturing issue.

Legal remedies available to the victim :-

You can register a criminal case at your nearest cyber or regular police station, under the following legal sections or the Act as per sections prescribed by the police based on your case :
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