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CyberGrooming cyber crime : What you need to know


Sunitha, a 9th standard student wanted to become a model and used to post her photos in social media sites like Instagram. She get a friend request from 18 year old handsome Rahul, which she accepted and they become friends online very soon. Rahul started sharing his (fake)modeling photos and praised and encouraged Sunitha to post some of hers and promised to help her become a model. Gradually he started sending his nude pictures and videos and encouraged Sunitha to do the same in response. To Sunitha’s shock what started as a fun was used to blackmail her and make her to do tasks like sending money, sharing her parents financial details like credit & debit card details & personally sensitive information to Rahul. Sunitha was a victim of cybergrooming.

Cyber grooming is when someone (often an adult) befriends a child online and builds an emotional connection with future intentions of physical or online sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or trafficking and getting sensitive information. The main goals of cyber grooming are: to gain trust from the child, to obtain intimate and personal data from the child (often sexual in nature—such as sexual conversations, pictures, or videos) in order to threaten and blackmail for further inappropriate material.

To prevent cyber grooming, precautions you can take :-

If your child is a victim of CyberGrooming fraud :-

Immediately file a complaint by contacting Cyber Helpline number 1930 or on their website or visit a child crime specific police station and file a FIR and take their advice. Block that user, but take a backup of all the conversations and any other incrementing details as they will be needed as evidence for convicting the culprit. Comfort your child or the victim and if needed take the help of therapist’s to work through the mental and emotional effects.

Remedies available to the victim legally in India :-

You can register a criminal case at your nearest cyber or children specific or regular police station, under the following legal sections or the Act as per sections prescribed by the police based on your case :
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